To study smart means using the most effective strategies to obtain optimum results within a reasonable timeframe. It is not realistic to say that you will not work hard when studying smart. You will spend less time studying while getting more out of every minute. That is exactly what this blog post will provide you. According to Allen Overseas, studying smart yields better results than studying hard.

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1. Be intentional with your study session

The number one way to study smart is to be very intentional with your studying. Do not drag yourself to the study table and stay there without actively doing any work.

If you do this, you will spend a lot of time at the study table while doing nothing productive, and later you will experience burnout. Being intentional about what you are doing saves you time.

  • Decide which topic you want to study.
  • Skim the topic to get an overall view of it.
  • Read to understand it first.
  • Recite to memorize by expressing it in your own words.
  • Teach it to someone else.

We have a detailed post on the Feynman Study Technique. It will help you to be intentional while studying.

2. Mastering time management

Managing your time is the best way to study smarter. Make every minute of your day count by doing the things you are supposed to do.

If this is the time to eat, eat. When it is time to have fun, have fun. If it is time to study, study and give it your all.

  • Create a to-do list for every day.
  • Set reminders on your devices.
  • Hold yourself accountable.
  • Reward yourself.
  • Constantly review your progress.

We all have plenty of time to study and do other things for fun. The problem is failing to manage time effectively. If you structure your day correctly, you will be surprised at how much time you have. However, be flexible with your schedule if something important comes up. Don’t be too strict. That may backfire.

Read the Pomodoro Study Technique

3. Be competitive

To study smart, you need to aim higher than everyone else. There is nothing wrong with being competitive. If you do it healthily, it is the best strategy you have to push yourself to your limits.

Some days, you may sabotage yourself by saying that you are doing too much. This will cause you to do little work when you can do much more. Now and then, check your classmates and their study schedules. How much do they learn, and how long do they study? It will be a good push to find that some of them study longer and more frequently than you.

You aim to outcompete them. If your friend studies for 2 hours, study for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Don’t make it about outcompeting your friend. Make it about challenging yourself. Your friend is merely a scale against which you measure your progress. Make sure that your friend is close to the strongest in class.

4. Be extra

You should not settle for acing your exams. To study smart, you need to aim for more than that. Aim for expertise and a deep understanding of the subject. Take pride in learning and knowing things on your own, which others find difficult to learn for themselves.

If you study a topic, try to understand the technical explanation that only experts know. Go deep into the minute details of it. Study it with passion, as if you would be rewarded for it. If you are satisfied with the knowledge you have gained, try to teach it to someone who might be interested. While teaching it, give them proof and data for the topic.

If there is no one to teach, talk to yourself about it or make a video explaining the topic. This habit will force you to study things for deep understanding.

5. Get Organized

Being organized should be a habit for a student who studies smart. This will avoid indecision. If everything is in its place and every task has been allocated its time, it will be easier for you to study and manage your time.

  • Write down important dates
  • Set up a comfortable study area
  • Put books near your study area
  • Organize the topics you should study

Part of being organized is staying in a clean environment. Get rid of every piece of junk and used paper on your desk. Sit down and start studying while using a timer or the Pomodoro Study Technique.

6. Pay Attention in Class

Active listening during lectures is important. If you don’t listen in class, your studies will be twice as hard. It won’t study smart if you are studying from zero. This is especially important for subjects that are hard to understand, like mathematics and physics.

Put away distractions (yes, that means your phone!) and actively engage with the material. Everything else can wait. To succeed, you must give all your attention to the moment. Train yourself to do that in every situation. If you are in the lecture, nothing should be more important.

Jot down key points in your own words. Not only does this reinforce understanding, but it also creates valuable study material. Don’t ever underestimate the difficulty of the concept being taught. If you think you will remember everything, you are wrong. Even the things you think are easy, write some key points down from them to revise a few days later. This will make it easy to remember them.

Read 10 Good Habits of a Successful Student

7. Steer Clear of Distractions

Identify what distracts you and take steps to minimize it. Ask yourself, How does my distraction start? It could be an exciting thought coming to your mind that triggers you to open your phone. Perhaps a notification might be order. Or it might just be what you have seen. Maybe a friend calls you to see something.

Whatever it is, observe it critically and monitor the pattern. If you see a pattern in your distraction, break it by actively refusing to do that thing. Limit your social media usage during study hours by muting your phone. Sit away from friends who might divert your attention.

8. Complete and Clear Notes

Your class notes are gold. Make the most of them. There are many benefits to having lecture notes.

  • They will remind you of the concept explained in class.
  • They will guide you in looking for further notes.
  • They will help you prepare for the exams.

Write clear, concise notes during class. If you miss a session, collaborate with classmates to fill in the gaps. Regularly revisit your notes to reinforce learning.

9. Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to seek clarification. Not asking questions is not smart. If you want to study smart, use the knowledge of others. I’m talking about your classmates, your lecturer, or people ahead of you who previously took the class. You can never err by questioning.

After getting the answer, you can always go ahead and find out more by your research. Be hungry for knowledge.

10. Create a Study Schedule

A well-structured study plan keeps you on track. Nobody without a plan has ever succeeded. Create a study plan.

  • Allocate time for different subjects.
  • Consistency is key.

Assess your class timetable and incorporate your study schedule into it. Make it flexible and effective. Give yourself a break and a social life.

11. Test Yourself

Don’t study and forget. That will be a waste of time. Study to understand. Quiz yourself and see if you can remember stuff.

  • Regularly review and quiz yourself on the material. Self-testing reinforces learning.
  • Understand your learning style and adapt your study techniques accordingly.

12. Use Visual Aids

Your aim in studying smart is to understand even the most difficult concepts. If a concept appears to be difficult, use visual aids to break it down.

  • Visual aids like diagrams, charts, and mind maps can enhance understanding.
  • Create visual summaries of complex topics.

13. Study in a Group

Struggling alone is not studying smart. You must take advantage of the different understanding and gifts people have. Join a study group and listen. Teach them what you know, too.

Discuss concepts, solve problems, and teach each other. Group study sessions can provide fresh perspectives and motivation.

14. Stay Motivated

When you have done everything you can, review your work and see areas for improvement. They should not be a reason to give up. If you followed all these tips, you have done what you could do. Be grateful.

  • Set weekly goals and reward yourself when you achieve them.
  • Remember that studying smart leads to better grades and less stress during exams.

Studying smart is not about spending less time or effort on your studies, but about making the most of them. It is about optimizing your learning process, enhancing your memory retention, boosting your motivation, and achieving your goals. It is also about enjoying the journey and having fun along the way.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you and learn from your perspective.