If you are a student, you must have already heard of ChatGPT or have used it yourself. This generative AI has changed how we study and prepare for exams, but it is very easy to fail while using it. The reason is that you don’t know how to use ChatGPT to help you study. After reading this, you will know exactly how to get the most accurate and relevant information from ChatGPT, how to write the best prompts, how to escape AI plagiarism, and more.

How to use ChatGPT to help you study title illustration

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model created by OpenAI that generates human-like text based on context and previous conversations. It is a chatbot that can be used to fine-tune and direct a discussion to a specific length, structure, style, amount of detail, and language. ChatGPT can help you get immediate answers, discover creative inspiration, learn something new, and much more. It also has DALL·E 3, the most capable image model, which can be used to create graphics based on conversation descriptions.

How does ChatGPT know what it knows?

ChatGPT uses a language model called a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). The model was developed by OpenAI to generate text that resembles normal human conversation. The GPT model is trained on large amounts of unlabeled data and fine-tuned to specific tasks using a combination of two major inputs: 1) a massive volume of sample text pulled from web pages and program code before the end of 2022 as of 2024, and 2) a smaller amount of labeled data that is specific to the task at hand. The GPT model can understand and generate text in several languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, and more.


ChatGPT is offered in two different plans: Free and Plus. The Free package includes GPT-3.5, regular model upgrades, and access via web, iOS, and Android. The Plus plan gives access to GPT-4 (the most capable model), image chat, voice, and image creation, plus the ability to utilize and design custom GPTs. It also includes everything from the free plan.

In this article, we will show you how to get the best out of the free version to help you study.

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How to write the best prompt

Writing a prompt is where many students get it wrong. There are different ways you can write a prompt for the same information, and the outcome and quality of the response will differ. That is why writing the prompt the right way is key.

First, visit ChatGPT on OpenAI’s website and create a free account. You can just continue with a Google account. After that, you are now good to go. You can start writing prompts.

Tips to write the best prompt

Know the response you expect to get: You need to know what you want from ChatGPT. This is important because if the response it provides does not match your expectations, you can prompt it again. This time, ChatGPT has the first prompt stored in its memory, which will be important in creating the second response.

First prompt

ChatGPT prompt 1, showing how to use ChatGPT to help you study

In this response, I did not get the answer I was looking for. To ensure that I get the answer I want, I need to understand what ChatGPT missed in my first prompt. Then I need to write the second prompt based on the first one, this time in more detail.

Specify why the first response is not what you are looking for: The response I received from ChatGPT was not what I was looking for. The question I’m asking is how geologists determine if a specific location contains oil resources before conducting seismic surveys and other methods described by ChatGPT. What I want to know is how geologists know that that location should be explored in the first place. What motivates them to consider a location? So I have to write the second prompt with all of this information.

Second prompt

ChatGPT prompt 2, showing how to use ChatGPT to help you study.

There you go! The second response is much better. It answers my question the way I expected. If you look at the second prompt, you will notice that it is a clarification of the first. 1) I have mentioned in the second prompt “seismic survey”, which is something ChatGPT provided in its first response. 2) I specified why the first response was not the answer I was looking for by letting ChatGPT know that I needed to know what happens even before the exploration methods it provided.

Specify the length and amount of detail of the response: ChatGPT strives to be as brief as possible, but you can direct it to make your answer even more or less lengthy by writing a third prompt. In the third prompt, you should specify what to add to the response to make it longer or what to remove to make it shorter, so that ChatGPT does not repeat information or cut important information just to make the response short.

Third prompt (I want to make it longer)

ChatGPT prompt 3, showing how to use ChatGPT to help you study

As you can see in the third prompt, I decided to be very specific with what I wanted. I prompted ChatGPT to write in specific details about one element in the second response, namely “basin analysis”. I was specific about what more I wanted to know about basin analysis. You can see in the response that I asked about the definition of basin analysis as well as how important basins are identified. I would do this for the rest of the elements in the second response.

Specify the tone or style of the response: You need to tell ChatGPT how you want your answer written. Tone and style can also affect the quality of the response you get. For example, I could tell ChatGPT to give the response in an academic tone, or I could tell it to use a conversational or informal tone, depending on what kind of response I’m looking for.

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Information Fact-checking

Even after writing the best possible prompts, ChatGPT can still occasionally give inaccurate information. This is because it was trained on limited data. It doesn’t know it all. So, before you use that information for anything important, such as preparing for exams or answering assignment questions, you need to fact-check it.

Google the information ChatGPT generates

The truth is that ChatGPT responds quickly, but it is not superior to Google. Google remains the best search engine, and it is still the ideal place to begin verifying information offered by chatbots. Read ChatGPT’s response, understand the primary concept it delivers, and then use Google to find out from credible sources whether the information is accurate. Simply target the main idea and keywords.

Comparing ChatGPT to Wikipedia to illustrate how to fact-check ChatGPT's information when studying.

If we compare the explanation of basin analysis given by ChatGPT and that given by Wikipedia, we can see that they are similar. However, Wikipedia has provided more detail than ChatGPT, but the information is the same. This means the information provided by ChatGPT on basin analysis is accurate.

Ask ChatGPT the same question on a New Chat

another way you could verify if the information ChatGPT is giving is accurate is to open a New Chat and ask the same question. If the response is consistent, it might be a good indicator that ChatGPT is giving accurate information. However, if you see inconsistencies in the ideas provided, then the information is inaccurate.

Verify sources provided by ChatGPT

ChatGPT gives sources when prompted, but it also makes up its sources. When it generates a source, try to verify that it is present. If the source exists, review the data created by ChatGPT. It is easy to determine if the information is correct or incorrect based on the existence of both the source and the information presented.

Compare the information with your notes

As a college student, you presumably already have a good understanding of the subject you are studying. Although you don’t have all of the information, you can tell when the data contradicts the notes and the overall subject. Compare ChatGPT’s response to the notes or the idea you have from the notes. If it is too inconsistent, the information provided may be incorrect.

How to use ChatGPT to help you study: 5 tips

Now that we have understood how to write the best prompts and fact-check the response, let’s see how to use ChatGPT to help you study in your everyday study sessions.

1. Use ChatGPT to generate questions from your notes

If you have digital notes or books, as is common nowadays, copy the topic you’re studying and ask ChatGPT to produce possible exam questions based on the notes. As you study, you will assess your understanding by answering the questions provided by ChatGPT in your own words, without reference to the notes. This is a great way to properly learn the topic while also being fully prepared for any exam questions that may arise from it.

2. Ask ChatGPT to write complicated concepts in simple terms

If you’re having trouble understanding a concept, ask ChatGPT to express it as simply as possible while maintaining quality and accuracy. For example, you could ask that ChatGPT explain Einstein’s general theory of relativity using an understandable and relevant analogy. This will make concepts easier to grasp and remember.

3. Ask ChatGPT for the rationale or overall skeleton of the topic

we are often so lost in trying to memorize the details of the topic that we forget what the whole topic is about. Ask ChatGPT to write a paragraph or two explaining the essence of the topic you’re studying so you can get a general idea of what it’s trying to convey. This is critical for really understanding the topic.

4. Help with calculations

The free version of ChatGPT frequently makes errors in complex calculations, but it generally offers accurate formulas. When studying mathematics, physics, or anything involving calculations, ask ChatGPT to solve the problem step by step so that you can begin using the formula. Although it may give you the wrong answer in the end, you could finish the remainder yourself.

5. Coding

ChatGPT can help you write code or debug your code. Simply ask it to write a specific piece of code in a specific programming language. It can also help you explain some coding concepts and why your code is not working.

ChatGPT is a fantastic tool for improving your study efficiency and effectiveness. Use specific prompts and natural language to get the most out of ChatGPT. Begin by identifying the main ideas or areas you need to focus on, and then use ChatGPT to generate questions or prompts about those topics. You can also use ChatGPT to create study guides or summaries, as well as to obtain further context and information on ideas that you are having difficulty understanding. Remember to be patient and experiment with different prompts and topics to get the most out of ChatGPT.

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