When it comes to studying, there are numerous reasons why one may not feel like doing it. It is important to identify these reasons to overcome them and develop effective study habits. If you don’t know why you don’t feel like studying, you won’t be able to get rid of it.

This blog post is divided into three parts. Each part is a step toward the ultimate success in your study goal.

Part I

Reasons Why You Don’t Feel Like Studying

You are tired

Tiredness is a common obstacle to studying effectively. When we are tired, it becomes difficult to concentrate and retain information. To combat tiredness, it is essential to prioritize sufficient sleep and rest. By ensuring a good night’s sleep and taking short breaks during study sessions, one can improve focus and productivity.

You are bored

Boredom can also hinder studying progress. If the material being studied is uninteresting or monotonous, it is natural to feel demotivated. To tackle this issue, one can try various strategies such as incorporating interactive study methods, breaking down the material into smaller manageable parts, or finding ways to make the subject matter more engaging, such as through visual aids or real-life examples.

You are stressed out

Stress is another factor that can negatively impact studying. When overwhelmed with stress, it can be challenging to concentrate and absorb information. It is important to manage stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or physical activities like exercise or yoga. Furthermore, creating a study schedule and breaking down tasks into smaller, more achievable goals can help reduce stress and make studying feel more manageable.

You lack motivation

Lacking motivation can be a significant hurdle when it comes to studying. It is crucial to find ways to regain motivation and rekindle the desire to learn. Setting clear goals and reminding oneself of the long-term benefits of studying can provide a sense of purpose. Additionally, seeking support from peers, family, or mentors can help boost motivation and provide accountability.

Read: Reasons Why Your Study Tips Don’t Work

Part II

How I would create my study plan

To create a study plan that incorporates the strategies mentioned, I would start by considering my own personal preferences and studying habits.

Know when you are most alert

I would identify the times when I am most alert and focused. For example, if I find myself more productive in the mornings, I would schedule my study sessions during that time. This way, I can take advantage of my peak energy levels and concentration to maximize my studying effectiveness.

Don’t be overwhelmed

Next, I would break down my study time into manageable chunks. Instead of attempting to study for long hours at a stretch, I would divide my study sessions into shorter durations, such as 25-30 minutes of focused studying followed by a 5-10 minute break. This technique, known as the Pomodoro Technique, helps maintain concentration and prevent burnout.

Don’t study only one subject

To keep things interesting and prevent monotony, I would alternate between different subjects or topics during my study sessions. This variation would help to engage different parts of my brain and maintain my interest and motivation. For instance, I could allocate specific days or time slots for each subject, or I could rotate between subjects within each study session.

Create a to-do list

To stay organized and track my progress, I would use a study planner or a to-do list. This would enable me to outline my study goals for each session and keep track of what needs to be accomplished. By visually seeing my progress and ticking off completed tasks, I can experience a sense of achievement and stay motivated to continue studying.

Be consistent

To implement a study plan consistently, it is important to establish a routine and stick to it, even when you don’t feel like studying. Begin by creating a study schedule that aligns with your daily routine and commitments. This will help you allocate specific time slots dedicated solely to studying.

Start with shorter study sessions and gradually increase the duration as you build up your stamina. By beginning with shorter sessions, you can gradually adjust to a longer study period without overwhelming yourself. This approach allows for a more sustainable and enjoyable study experience.

Don’t forget your bigger goals

To stay motivated, remind yourself of your long-term goals and the benefits of studying. Consider the bigger picture and how your efforts today will contribute to your future success. Visualize the positive outcomes that studying will bring, such as improved knowledge, grades, and career prospects.

Celebrating small achievements along the way can also help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset. Acknowledge and reward yourself for completing study sessions, meeting study goals, or understanding challenging concepts. This could be treating yourself to a favorite snack, taking short breaks to indulge in a hobby, or simply giving yourself a pat on the back.

Additionally, find ways to keep yourself engaged and interested in the material. This could involve using different study techniques such as flashcards, diagrams, or summarizing key points. Exploring various resources like online articles, videos, or podcasts can also make studying more enjoyable and enhance your understanding of the subject.

Find a conducive environment for your study

Lastly, create a conducive study environment that minimizes distractions. Find a quiet and well-lit space where you can focus without interruptions. Keep your study area organized and have all the necessary materials readily available. This will help you stay focused and make the most of your study sessions.

Read: Daily Routine of a Successful Student

Part III

How to Stick to Your Schedule for Years

Sticking to a daily schedule is a big challenge. Many people give up in less than a week, but it is possible to maintain consistency in your routines for years.

Here is what you can do.

Start with anchor habits

Anchor habits are the foundational routines that set the tone for the rest of your day. By starting your day with a few key habits, such as exercising or meditating, you can establish a sense of structure and discipline. These anchor habits serve as a solid foundation for the rest of your schedule.

Be consistent for about three months

Consistency is key when it comes to sticking to a schedule. Research suggests that it takes approximately three months for a behavior to become a habit. During this time, it is crucial to stay committed and maintain the same level of dedication to your schedule.

Find a community

Having a support system can significantly increase your chances of sticking to a schedule. Joining a community of like-minded individuals who share similar goals can provide accountability and motivation. Whether it’s an online group or a local club, surround yourself with people who can support and encourage you on your journey.

Plan your rewards

Rewarding yourself for sticking to your schedule can serve as a powerful incentive. When planning your schedule, incorporate rewards for achieving certain milestones or completing tasks. These rewards can be as simple as treating yourself to a favorite snack or taking a break to engage in an enjoyable activity. By incorporating rewards, you create a positive association with sticking to your schedule.

Use tools as support, not as your core strategy

While technology and scheduling tools can be helpful in organizing your tasks, it is important not to rely solely on them. Use tools as a support system, but remember to do the work yourself. Know what works for you and stick to it.


Studying can be hard, especially when you don’t feel like it. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. By following some simple tips, you can make studying more enjoyable and effective. You can:

  • Set realistic and specific goals for each study session
  • Reward yourself for completing your tasks
  • Use different methods and resources to keep things interesting
  • Find a comfortable and distraction-free environment
  • Ask for help or join a study group if you get stuck
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