Benefits of participating in class

  • When when you participate more in calls by asking questions and sharing your thoughts, you are more likely to understand and remember the information.
  • It will help you clarify doubts, seek additional explanations, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • You will learn how to express your ideas clearly, articulate your thoughts, and listen actively to others.
  • Regular participation can boost your confidence.
  • It will encourage you to analyze information, consider different perspectives, and develop your ability to think critically about the subject matter.
  • Actively participating in the class helps you develop skills that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios and workplaces.
  • It can make learning more enjoyable and interesting.
  • Participating in class allows you to receive immediate feedback from the teacher and peers.
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How to participate in class more

1. Prepare for the lecture

To participate in class more, you need to have an idea of what the lecture is about. That is why you need to review the lecture notes before the lecture. This will give you a rough idea of the topic that will be discussed during the lecture.

When the professor asks the class to have an input, you will have the confidence and knowledge to be the one to give that input.

2. Don’t be afraid to speak up

Have you ever wanted to say something in class but were afraid it would be incorrect, only to find out later that someone else said the exact thing you wanted to say and it was correct?

Yes! Often, what you’re thinking is correct.

It is natural to have doubts about what you know, but it is no excuse not to speak up. When the professor asks a question and you know the answer, raise your hand and say it, even if you have doubts.

You can be wrong or correct. It’s all good. After all, this is something you are only learning. Nobody will think you’re dumb.

3. Ask questions

Some students fear asking lecturers questions. But to participate more in class and get the best out of it, you need to ask questions when you want to understand something.

That is the purpose of learning. If you don’t understand something, ask for an explanation.

Don’t feel embarrassed because you think your question is foolish. There are no dumb questions, especially when they are about something you don’t understand.

4. Add additional thoughts.

Many professors appreciate students who contribute additional thoughts to their understanding of the topic at hand.

If the professor is discussing anything and you have a suggestion that you believe may clarify it further, raise your hand and make it. This will help you grasp the topic better, and other students will benefit from your contribution.

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5. Correct errors

Another technique to encourage students to participate more in class is to correct students who may be making mistakes. For example, if a student answers a lecture question incorrectly, raise your hands and calmly correct them.

If there is anything in the lecture that was written incorrectly by mistake and you believe it is crucial to the general comprehension of the material, you may gently correct it.

You must exercise caution when doing this because corrections can rapidly appear negative. Do not address minor problems such as grammatical typos or anything unrelated to the lecture. Avoid political correctness.

6. Pay attention during the lecture

To participate more in class, you should follow the flow of the lecture so that you understand what everyone is saying. This will allow you to ask relevant questions and provide useful answers.

Remove all distractions, including your phone. Don’t speak with a friend while the lecture is going on.

7. Sit in front of class

Sitting in the front of the classroom will allow you to hear the lecture. It also improves attention because you will be looking at the board or projector from a close distance. It will also keep you from being distracted by peers.

8. Give a presentation on behalf of your group

When given a group assignment, it is beneficial for you to prepare and deliver the presentation on behalf of the group. This is another approach to participate in class more.

If you do a good job with the presentation, you will be assigned more presentations in the future. Many of you may assume that doing all of this is time-consuming, especially since the group can also choose another person.

But doing it will help you get better grades.

Read also: Things to Do at the Beginning of the Semester

Frequently Asked Questions

 How can I participate in class discussions?

   – Read and understand the material before class.

   – Jot down key points to reference during discussions.

   – Engage with the lecturer and respond to their points.

   – Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts or ask questions.

How do you participate in class when you’re shy?

   – Begin by making brief comments or asking simple questions.

   – Get to know your classmates, which can make speaking up feel more comfortable.

   – Rehearse your contributions to gain confidence.

What are examples of class participation?

   – Asking questions.

   – Answering questions.

   – Sharing relevant experiences or insights.

   – Offering alternative perspectives.

   – Participating in group activities and discussions.

How can I participate in class without speaking?

   – Contribute through written comments or discussions on online platforms.

   – Use non-verbal communication like nodding or expressing agreement.

   – Submit thoughtful written responses or reflections.

How can I participate in class confidently?

   – Recognize your strengths and knowledge on the topic.

   – Rehearse your contributions to build confidence.

   – Concentrate on the material rather than on yourself.

How do I stop being shy and quiet at school?

   – Identify and challenge thoughts that contribute to shyness.

   – Gradually expose yourself to social situations to build confidence.

   – Talk to friends, family, or a counselor for advice and encouragement.

How do I gain confidence before a presentation?

   – Know your material inside out.

   – Imagine yourself giving a successful presentation.

   – Practice in front of friends or family to receive constructive feedback.

How do I stop overthinking before a presentation?

   – Concentrate on what you’re saying rather than on how you’re being perceived.

   – Practice deep breathing exercises to calm nerves.

   – Recall instances where you performed well in public speaking.

How to speak confidently in public even if you’re shy and introverted?

   – You don’t have to be an extrovert; speak in a way that feels authentic to you.

   – Confidence often comes from being well-prepared.

   – Begin with smaller group settings before tackling larger audiences.

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