Let’s talk about tips to study math. According to The New York Times, many teenagers believe that mathematics is valuable. Many of them have said that it is useful in technology, engineering, critical thinking, and many other areas. This means that although mathematics is infamous for being difficult, the modern generation acknowledges its value.

If you want to study math, here are 15 tips that will help you study math even by yourself at home.

Title illustration of 15 tips to study math.

1. Study the basics first

First on our list of tips to study math is: study the basics first! Much of mathematics is interconnected. One topic becomes a necessity for studying the other. This means that if you have no understanding of the foundational topic, you’re screwed. You’ll have trouble understanding anything advanced. So, you need to understand basic concepts that will be useful throughout your study time.

According to Albert, not knowing the basics can make learning math an insurmountable issue, and many students tend to think mathematics is not for them for this particular reason.

how to study math basics, photo showing calculator and math basic numbers.

Examples of the basics that you must know

  • Arithmetic

This is obvious. To properly study math, you must be able to add, subtract, divide, and multiply. Many of us already know this. But you need to learn more about it. You need to know it so well that the answer virtually comes to you the instant you see a step in a problem that must be solved using basic arithmetic. This allows you to save brain energy for a more mentally demanding function.

  • Fractions and decimals

Fractions and decimals are not particularly intuitive. But after much practice, you will be able to conceptualize them and make them seem very obvious to your brain. When you solve a fraction-related problem, you are so familiar with it that you do not need a calculator. This requires repetition until it becomes second nature.

  • Basic Algebra

Many of us become panicked when we encounter letters like x, r, t, and so on in a math problem. We believe that a math problem using letters is too complex and tough for us. But this is just because we have not understood basic algebra. Everyone who wants to learn math and be good at it must understand fundamental algebra. They should be able to compute algebraic functions, ranging from a simple 2a+a to simultaneous equations, to study math proficiently.

2. Study the prerequisites for every topic

Every math topic has prerequisites—the topics that must be understood before proceeding to the main topic. Calculus, for example, requires a foundational understanding of trigonometry, algebra, and geometry. So, to study calculus, you must have a fundamental understanding of these concepts. This is one of the important tips to study math.

Furthermore, even inside the topic itself, you must study it systematically, from start to finish, because the second problem within the topic demands a thorough comprehension of the first.

For example, in integral calculus, a person who has not mastered the integration by substitution technique will struggle to solve practically every other problem because integration by substitution is a step in many problems. The same goes for integration by parts and partial fractions. You simply need to know them. These are the prerequisites for mastering integral calculus.

This is true for every other topic in mathematics. Master the prerequisites.

photo of math symbols

3. Remove the stigma

Before you begin to study math, forget about the notion that it is difficult and that some people aren’t good at it and never will be. For the most part, this stereotype is false, and approaching math with it will hinder you. You need to get rid of it first.

Understand that math is difficult, but not impossible, to learn. You only need to put in some effort and trust the process. Before long, you’ll see a pattern in how you tackle problems.

We have a blog post explaining Why Mathematics is Difficult for Some Students. Read it if you want to understand why you think math is difficult for you.

4. Practice, practice, practice

This can’t be left out among the tips to study math. There is no magic trick or shortcut for understanding math. It, like any other subject, demands effort and long hours of study. You only need to practice as much as possible.

When you have studied a given topic and correctly solved all of its problems, it is a bad idea to let go of it forever because you think you have mastered it. Return to the material from time to time and practice solving the problems. Solve them again and again. If feasible, look up some problems online or find additional books on the same topic and solve as many as you can.

The more you practice solving math problems, the better you will get at understanding the concepts and solving similar problems in the future.

photo illustrating math practice

5. Understand the concepts

Understand this. Mathematics is not only about numbers. Numbers are simply representations of abstract concepts. Understanding these concepts will make it easier for you to study math and use the knowledge in real life.

Before attempting to solve increasingly complex problems, ensure that you have a solid understanding of the underlying concepts or principles represented by numbers and equations. This is what I stressed in #2.

6. Work through problems step-by-step

When solving math problems, avoid skipping steps or using shortcuts. Make sure you complete all of the steps required in a standard solution to a given problem and double-check your work along the way.

Math equations are algorithms that must be properly followed, particularly if you are just beginning to learn complex computing. Seasoned math students and mathematicians may occasionally skip steps, but only because they remember them. They’ve solved so many similar problems before that writing everything down would only slow them down.

As a beginner or someone who is not very good at math and computation, skipping steps, even though you may feel like you have them in mind, is a bad idea. Make sure to show your work in detail. Give yourself time to build the muscle of skipping steps and predicting solutions to familiar problems. But in the meantime, it is beneficial for you to write every single step down when solving a math problem.

Even mathematicians or seasoned math students write down some steps they know would remember but they write them down because they are the main steps of a problem that show that you have attempted to solve this problem or that help later when revising the solution.

photo showing working through problems

7. Use various resources

This may not seem like one of the tips to study math, but it is. In addition to your textbook and lectures, think about using online resources, study guides, and practice problems to help you learn.

Studying a math topic from a single PDF is not good enough to consider yourself well-versed in that topic. You must consult additional sources to understand their particular problems. Solve the problems to test your knowledge.

In my experience, when I look beyond the single book I’ve been studying, I always discover that there is still a lot to learn. Remember that the more problems you solve on a certain topic, the better you will become at that area and acquire computational skills for mathematics in general.

8. Create study aids

Creating flashcards, diagrams, or other study aids can help you learn and recall the subject.

Let’s face it. Being good at math requires a lot of effort. Every time a student reads a blog that discusses flashcards, diagrams, and other techniques of learning, they become overwhelmed by the amount of work required to complete all of it. But, sure, you will require that level of effort to gain mastery in whatever you choose to learn.

This is particularly true in math. You must work hard to obtain the flow in calculations that you see others perform online. Do everything in your power to excel at math. It’s cool to be good at math.

One study technique that I recommend for you to use when studying mathematics is The Feynman Study Technique. We have detailed how to use it effectively in this post.

9. Attend study groups

Another one of the most important tips to study math is joining a group. One fact about mathematics is that you can get stuck on a problem for days. That’s a fact. If you don’t have a group to help you with that problem, it will slow you down significantly.

So, while studying mathematics alone can seem heroic, it is not practical for everyone to some extent. Sometimes you need support. As soon as you begin your math-genius journey, you should seek out a study group—preferably one that is as enthusiastic about learning mathematics as you are.

When you’re stuck on a problem or have a step that you just don’t understand (which is common with math problems), your study group can help.

We have to be a good student to pull this off. We have a detailed post about 10 Good Habits of a Successful Student. Check it out and combine it with these steps to achieve the goal of becoming good at math.

10. Take breaks

One silly error you should never make is to study mathematics all the time, as this will not work. You will become worn out and perform poorly.

Take breaks from studying and engage in non-mathematical activities to refuel and strategize. This will give you more energy to work on the following topic or challenge, while also reducing monotony and boredom.

Remember that boredom leads to procrastination. We have a post on 12 Tips to Stop Procrastination.

Consider breaking up your study sessions into shorter chunks of time, with breaks in between. We call that The Pomodoro Study Technique.

11. Set goals

Simply studying math whenever you want will not benefit you in the long run. You have to know where you’re going. You must set goals for yourself to feel accomplished when you achieve them.

For example, you could say that this week I want to learn simultaneous equations, and by the end of the week, I should have a good understanding of them. This is how you set goals. Make them practical and time-bound.

Setting clear goals may help you stay motivated and track your progress. Consider setting both short- and long-term study goals. I consider this one of the most important tips for study math

photo showing focusing on math goals

12. Stay organized

When I first started learning math, I used to practice it on sheets of paper that I eventually trashed. But this is not the correct way to learn math or anything else.

Sure, if it’s a problem you’re tackling from time to time. You can use random papers and throw them away once you’re finished. However, when it comes to a full session of learning, you must be organized.

Keep your notes, handouts, and other study materials neatly arranged and immediately accessible. This will help you keep on top of your work while reducing stress. This will also be useful if you wish to review your notes later.

13. Don’t get stuck on one problem

One thing you need to know among these tips to study math is that, while learning math, you will come across some difficult problems that will take days to solve. In a situation like this, you don’t want to spend all of your time trying to figure out how to solve a single problem.

It is a terrible idea. It will waste your time and prevent you from solving more problems. The best course of action is to put aside that problem and move on to the next one. You can return to it once you have a better understanding. You can also ask for support online or at school. There are people online who are eager to join in a math challenge. They’ll aid you.

student stuck on a math problem and tyring to figure ou the solution.

14. Work on your speed

Math beginners start very slowly. You are no longer required to maintain the same speed. Theis is one of the important tips to study math. When you’ve mastered math and developed the capacity to think three steps ahead when solving a problem, it’s time to boost your pace.

Many students are timed out of math tests simply because they are too slow. You should work on your speed. This will save you time revising for tests and will also improve your cognitive speed.

As previously said, you can achieve speed by mastering the computation of algebraic equations, trigonometric identities, and basic arithmetic. This will make you super-fast, and you’ll start to like solving math problems.

15. Buy math accessories

Finally, you will need to buy math study materials. Scientific calculators, graph books, mathematics sets, technical drawing sets, and other tools will be required to solve math problems in a variety of topics.

photo showing math accessories, such as a claculatior

Overall, the difficulty of math is slightly oversold. If you study it correctly, it should be possible, but you will have to work hard to get there. Follow all of these 15 tips to study math and combine them with the links I’ve supplied throughout the text.

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Emmanuel Mapuor
Emmanuel Mapuor
8 months ago

Mathematics is pretty much friendly. It only needs to be befriended. Oftentimes, most students see its complex nature rather than its rationale and logic which makes it harder and harder to grasp. With above tips put into practice, it’ll undoubtedly help those battling with mathematics by at least 80 percent. Thank you, Gai’s Gourd!

Matur Makur
8 months ago

Time your time to pass maths